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موضوع مغلق
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قديم 18-07-2003, 10:56 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

With NO Title


With No Title

Although it's quite a statement
Well, it happens to be true
The best friend I have ever had
I'm glad to say, is you.

You're there if I should need you
And you never turn away
I know I can depend on you
At any time of day.

We've had our ups and downs
As nearly everybody does
But problems never last for long
With special friends like us.

Some people have so many friends
With whom they spend their time
But no-one has a best friend
Who's as wonderful as mine.

So thanks for always being there
Your friendship's strong and true
And I just want to let you know
I'm always there for you !

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

قديم 18-07-2003, 12:09 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Sarafina

Sarafina غير متصل


so sweeeeeeeeeeeet word thanks

التوقيع :
peace be with U

قديم 18-07-2003, 10:27 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
شمعـــة الــدور
( ود فعّال )

شمعـــة الــدور غير متصل

awwww.. how sweeeet
those are really meaningful words..
thanx dreams

التوقيع :
الزيــن ماهو بس الملامح والأوصاف.. الزيــن روح وعفة وطيب سيرة
اللهم اجعل خير عمري آخره وخير عملي خواتمه وخير ايامي يوم القاك فيه

قديم 19-07-2003, 03:41 AM   رقم المشاركة : 4
( ود فعّال )

الالهام غير متصل

I think no one really have abest frined but if that happen he must take care of him......thank you dreams

قديم 19-07-2003, 07:01 PM   رقم المشاركة : 5
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

I'm In Your Service

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

موضوع مغلق

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الساعة الآن 10:56 AM.


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